Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Power of Structured Procrastination

Awesome article!!!! And sooo true! I write down to do lists and when I am overwhelmed by certain things on it, I start to do the simpler things and once those get done the ones that seemed really hard tend to not seem as hard... Thank you for the article Walter Chen and Behance Team for sending it to my email!

The Power of Structured Procrastination

New Paintings :)

So... stayed in my studio the other night for hours... I got off of work super late and was not feeling to excited about anything, and I had all these ideas going on in my head so I went to the studio, and just started to work on the ideas... This is what came of my multiple sketches, thoughts in my head, bubbling emotions, found pieces I could not part with (this happens a lot to me - I have a box in my studio full of found pieces and scraps of things that I just can't part with and am determined to make a project out of them) but anyways... here they are...